Deer Park in Cuttack: Discovering the hidden Gem

Yesterday was a day of delightful surprises and a heartwarming encounter with nature, right in the midst of Cuttack. Nestled on the tranquil banks of the mighty Mahanadi River, I stumbled upon an oasis of calm and beauty – the Deer Park.

As I approached the park, the hustle and bustle of city life seemed to fade away. The first glimpse of the deer left me utterly enchanted. In a city known for its rich cultural heritage and bustling markets, finding such a serene habitat for these gentle creatures was nothing short of extraordinary.

A Sanctuary in the City

The park is home to a surprisingly large number of deer, gracefully roaming within a spacious enclosure. Their presence adds a touch of wild beauty to the urban landscape. It was a delight to watch these elegant animals move with such grace and poise, their coats glistening under the afternoon sun.

Families and children gathered along the fences, their faces lit up with joy and curiosity. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and the excited chatter of kids, thrilled to be so close to nature. It was a wonderful sight – people of all ages coming together to enjoy the simple pleasure of watching these magnificent creatures.

Deer park

Feeding the Deer

A common activity here is feeding the deer. I observed visitors generously tossing biscuits to the eager animals, who approached the fence with trusting eyes and gentle nibbles. Following suit, I offered a few treats myself, and the experience was immensely satisfying. There’s something profoundly humbling about connecting with nature in this way – a reminder of the simple joys that life offers us.

A Perfect Escape

The Deer Park is not just about the deer; it’s about the tranquil environment that envelopes you as soon as you step in. The lush greenery, the serene river nearby, and the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals make it a perfect escape from the city’s frenetic pace. The park serves as a peaceful retreat where one can reconnect with nature and unwind.


My visit to the Deer Park in Cuttack was an unexpected and memorable adventure. It’s a testament to the city’s dedication to preserving natural beauty and providing spaces where wildlife can thrive amidst urban settings. For anyone looking to find a moment of peace or seeking to introduce their children to the wonders of nature, this park is a must-visit.

The joy I felt watching the deer and the shared excitement among the visitors is something I’ll cherish. It reminded me of the beauty of coexistence and the importance of preserving such sanctuaries within our cities. If you ever find yourself in Cuttack, take a moment to visit this charming park. You’ll leave with a heart full of joy and perhaps, a deeper appreciation for the simple beauty that nature offers us.

The Deer Park is more than just a collection of animals; it’s a celebration of nature’s grace amidst urban life. As I left the park, I felt a sense of gratitude for this serene corner of the city and a renewed sense of wonder for the natural world around us.

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