How to Fix USB Controlled by “Connected Device” on Android


“USB controlled by Connected Device.” Today, I encountered an issue with my Pixel 4a, which I use as my primary phone. After connecting it to my Windows PC for file transfer, I noticed that the USB device was indicated as being controlled by the “connected device.” This article will guide you through the steps I took to fix this problem.

Identifying the Problem

After transferring files from my phone to the PC, I disconnected the phone. However, instead of switching the USB control back to “this device,” it remained under the control of the “connected device.” Consequently, my phone stopped charging, whether connected to a wall socket or the USB port of the PC. Restarting the phone and putting it in safe mode did not resolve the issue.

  • usb controlled by connected device

Investigating Solutions

After spending about 4-5 hours researching online and watching YouTube tutorials, none of the suggested solutions worked for me. I tried various methods, including restarting the phone, switching USB ports and cables, toggling settings and developer mode, but nothing seemed to fix the issue.

Effective Fix

Finally, I discovered a method that worked:

  • Switch off your phone completely.
  • Connect the phone to the PC while it is switched off.
  • If the phone shows charging status but is not charging or charging, proceed to the next step.
  • Turn on the phone while it is still connected to the PC.

After following these steps, the USB control switched back to “this device,” and my phone resumed normal charging operations. This simple yet effective procedure helped me resolve the issue.


If you encounter a similar problem where your USB device is controlled by a connected device, try the steps mentioned above. This method worked for my Pixel 4a and could potentially fix the issue for other Android devices as well. Always ensure to disconnect devices properly to avoid such problems in the future.

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