How to turn off always on ambient display feature on android 9.0 Pie.

How to turn off always on ambient display feature

Hey guys!!!

I have faced this issue, it bothered me.

Now I’m going to help you how to fix this.

As it’s a very good feature but only during new notifications. But if it remains always on then it can eat up all your battery. And unfortunately it is not in the setting menu.

So let’s kill it.

First you have to download a luncher. i.e. Nova luncher.

Then add a widget “activities”

Under that go to to “System UI demo mode”

Then go to “System UI tuner”

Now make always on ambient display off.

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Instagram- iamrks333


how to turn off always on display

That’s all!!! Now enjoy. When you want keep it otherwise kill it. Thanks.

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