Sunrise on the Tracks: A Loco Pilot’s Guide to Morning Rituals

What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

The rhythmic rumble of the train tracks is my alarm clock. As an assistant loco pilot, my mornings are anything but ordinary. But amidst the changing schedules and unpredictable sunrises, I’ve carved out a morning routine that sets the tone for a focused and energized day.

Aligning with the Rhythm of the Tracks

My ideal morning begins with a nature call, followed by a grounding yoga session. Stretching and breathing exercises help me loosen up and prepare for the physical demands of piloting a train. Imagine maneuvering a massive locomotive – yoga keeps my body limber and ready for the task. Meditation follows, allowing me to center myself and approach the day with a clear and calm mind. It’s a mental warm-up for the focused concentration needed on the tracks.

Fueling Up for the Journey

A healthy breakfast is non-negotiable. I whip up a nutritious meal, ensuring I have the fuel I need to stay alert and focused throughout my shift. Whether it’s a plate of scrambled eggs with whole-wheat toast or a bowl of yogurt with berries and granola, I make sure it gives me sustained energy.

Adaptability is Key

While a consistent schedule is a challenge, these core practices – yoga, meditation, and a nourishing breakfast – are the pillars of my morning routine, whenever I can manage them. Sometimes, sunrise finds me at the helm of a train, navigating the countryside as the first rays of light peek over the horizon. Early morning train rides hold a different kind of magic. The quiet hum of the engine and the vast expanse of the awakening landscape create a sense of peace and purpose.

Being a loco pilot is a unique job, and my morning rituals reflect that. They are adaptable, efficient, and fuel me for the adventure that unfolds on the tracks. Whether I’m greeting the day with a yoga routine or embracing the serenity of an early morning ride, my mornings prepare me to meet the challenges and embrace the beauty of this unconventional profession.

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