What traditions have you not kept that your parents had?
Growing up in a family steeped in tradition can be a beautiful experience, offering a rich tapestry of cultural practices and values passed down through generations. My parents held several traditions close to their hearts, each reflecting a unique blend of spirituality, practicality, and cultural heritage. While I deeply respect these traditions, my life has taken a slightly different path, leading me to part ways with some practices my parents cherished.

Inviting Relatives and Guests
One of the most prominent traditions in my parents’ household was the open-door policy for relatives and guests. Every gathering was an event, filled with laughter, stories, and shared meals. My parents valued these connections and believed in nurturing family bonds through regular visits. However, in my life, the pace and demands of modern living have made it challenging to maintain this tradition. While I still appreciate family connections, my gatherings tend to be more intimate and less frequent.
Cooking After Bathing and Worship
In my parents’ home, the main meal of the day was always prepared after bathing and worshiping the home deity. This ritual was a way to infuse the food with purity and blessings. While I hold the spiritual aspect of cooking in high regard, my daily routine often requires more flexibility. I tend to cook when time allows, prioritizing nourishment and convenience over the traditional sequence of rituals.
Keeping Old Furniture and Accessories
My parents believed in the religious significance of keeping certain old furniture and accessories in the home. These items were often considered auspicious and carried stories of the past. While I appreciate the history and sentiment behind these objects, my personal style leans towards minimalism and modernity. I find joy in creating a space that reflects my tastes and is uncluttered by objects whose significance I do not fully embrace.
Building a Home According to Astrologer
The idea of constructing a home based on astrological guidance is deeply rooted in my parents’ beliefs. They sought harmony and prosperity by aligning the architecture with cosmic principles. While I respect the intent behind this tradition, my approach to creating a home is more pragmatic and based on functionality and aesthetics rather than astrology.
Following Ways of Brahmins and Saints
My parents often modeled their preparation for occasions after the ways of Brahmins and saints, ensuring that rituals were conducted with utmost reverence and accuracy. While I honor the cultural richness these practices bring, my celebration of occasions tends to be simpler and more spontaneous, reflecting my interpretation of joy and togetherness.
Cultivating Groceries in the Backyard
Growing some groceries in the backyard was a tradition my parents cherished, embodying self-sufficiency and a connection to the earth. While I admire this practice and understand its benefits, my lifestyle and living arrangements do not always permit such endeavors. However, I do try to support local farmers and make mindful choices about where my food comes from.
Embracing Old Hindu Culture
The old Hindu cultural practices my parents followed were a source of identity and spiritual grounding for them. While I carry forward many of their values and teachings, my expression of culture is more fluid and adaptive. I strive to balance tradition with modernity, embracing a way of life that feels authentic to me while still honoring my roots.
Obeying Their Instructions in Life
Despite the traditions I have not maintained, one thing remains unchanged: my respect for my parents and their guidance. Their teachings continue to shape my values, decisions, and actions. I may not follow all the rituals they cherished, but I adhere to the principles of integrity, kindness, and respect they instilled in me.
In conclusion, while I may not keep all the traditions my parents held dear, I navigate life with a deep appreciation for their legacy. My journey is about finding harmony between honoring the past and embracing the present, creating a path that resonates with who I am today.
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Your parents certainly had a lot of traditions! My parents did not… I think they were a bit known for that amongst my relatives.
I honestly had a hard time responding to this prompt… My parents have not kept up with traditions themselves though they may have in the past. I suppose what I haven’t done includes cook traditional Chinese medicine for hours 😂 👃 💨, had children, gotten married- at least not in a long time, had any Christmas tree, gone to Vegas for Christmas, gone to church, worked 12 or more hours per day, nor cook and eat homemade food daily, listen to classical music every weekend (I listen to it on weekdays and sometimes weekends so maybe I listen to it more?), and buy vinyls.
Looking back, would you say your life is easier than your parents?
Yup it’s easier… As we have many amenities and appliances that help us in daily life.
More than amenities though. It’s a whole lifestyle.
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