
Why Roti Becomes Hard and How to Keep It Soft

Roti, a staple in many cuisines, holds a special place on our plates. This unleavened flatbread, with its soft texture and ability to complement a variety of dishes, is cherished by many. However, if you’ve ever left roti out for too long, you may have noticed it becoming hard and unpalatable. But why does this happen? Let’s delve into the science behind it and explore ways to keep your roti soft and delicious for longer.


Understanding the Science:
The main culprit behind the hardening of roti is the loss of moisture. When roti is exposed to air, especially in dry environments, moisture evaporates from its surface. This process leads to the dehydration of the bread, causing it to become stiff and tough.

The moisture content in roti plays a crucial role in its texture. Freshly cooked roti contains a significant amount of water, which keeps it soft and pliable. However, as it sits exposed to air, this moisture gradually escapes, leaving behind a dry and hardened product.

Additionally, the starch molecules in the flour used to make roti undergo retrogradation when exposed to air. Retrogradation is the process in which starch molecules realign and form tighter bonds with each other. This results in a firmer structure, contributing to the hardening of the bread.

Effects on Health:
Aside from the unpleasant texture, eating hard roti may pose health risks. Hardened roti can be difficult to chew and digest, potentially causing discomfort and digestive issues, especially for individuals with sensitive stomachs. Moreover, the loss of moisture may lead to a decrease in nutrient absorption, depriving your body of essential vitamins and minerals.

Preserving Roti Softness:
Now that we understand why roti becomes hard, let’s explore ways to maintain its softness for longer periods:

  1. Storage: Store roti in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in foil to prevent moisture loss.
  2. Moisture Retention: Place a damp cloth or paper towel over the roti when storing it. This helps retain moisture and prevents the bread from drying out.
  3. Reheating: When reheating roti, sprinkle a few drops of water on its surface before microwaving or heating it on a skillet. This steam helps rehydrate the bread and restore its softness.
  4. Freezing: If you have leftover roti, consider freezing it. Wrap individual pieces tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing them in a freezer bag. Thaw and reheat as needed, ensuring soft and fresh-tasting roti every time.
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Making Soft Roti:
Here’s a simple recipe to ensure your roti turns out soft and delicious:


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • Water (as needed)
  • Salt (optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the whole wheat flour with a pinch of salt (if desired).
  2. Gradually add water and knead the dough until it forms a smooth and pliable consistency.
  3. Divide the dough into small balls and roll each one into a thin circle.
  4. Heat a skillet or tawa over medium heat and cook each roti for about a minute on each side until golden brown spots appear.
  5. Remove from heat and lightly brush each roti with ghee or butter for added flavor and moisture.

Roti, when fresh and soft, enhances any meal with its comforting texture and versatility. By understanding the science behind its hardening and following proper storage and reheating techniques, you can ensure that your roti stays soft and enjoyable for longer periods. So, the next time you indulge in this delightful flatbread, savor its softness and relish every bite.

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